Monday, November 3, 2008

Starting Your Consultancy: 5 Reasons why people with specialist knowledge should be starting their own consultancy.

There are so many reasons why you should take matters into your own hands rather than just rely on an employer to pay you each month. Here are five:

1.In uncertain economic times (like now) wouldn’t it be nice to know that you could work independently of an employer? And that you could sell your skills and knowledge these directly to a paying client? This is a better reason than any.

2.Another good reason is that even in more certain economic times it’s also good to know that you have an additional income generated by your own ingenuity and entrepreneurial flair?

3.Most pensions these days tend to need ‘topping-up’ is another important reason. Selling your own specialist knowledge offline or online can easily do this for you?

4.So many other people are selling their knowledge, skills and expertise and in ways other than through their regular employment job.

5. You don’t want to be left behind.
Diversifying your work activity by developing an entrepreneurial stream is incredibly exciting and really fun – it will also explode your existing professional profile like crazy so don’t miss out!

If you need more and better reasons than these to start your consultancy then, a) your are very hard to convince, and b) you are probablyly happier not going for it. If you are convinced – then for goodness’ sake take action and do something about it otherwise procrastination will get the better of you … again …(?)!

Michael offers specialist Consultancy Skills Products and Workshops, Individual Coaching, Public Masterclasses, and is a specialist in Online Marketing for knowledge specialists and consultants. Contact:

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