Friday, January 30, 2009

Communication Skills for Business

Good communication skills are absolutely critical if you are trying to sell your business. It is central to almost everything you do. There are lots of kinds of communication but let’s just look at general principles and then you can apply them to whichever form you are using (speaking, listening, memos, sales letters, leaflets).

In a survey of recruiters that was published out not so long ago communication skills were given as the most important factor in selecting managers. The University of Pittsburgh’s Katz Business School, said that communication including written and spoken presentations, are the main factors contributing to success in business. When developing a business, working time consists of issuing and receiving information, and instructions. The potential for these to be misinterpreted is huge. The same act or word can be interpreted by 3 different people in 3 different ways. Also, studies show that miscommunication in business can mean lower productivity, higher turnover and greater tension and anxiety. If individuals don’t feel their thoughts and comments are getting heard, they won’t voice them. Misunderstanding can easily turn discussions into conflict and unnecessary anxiety leading to even worse communication. Building a business insists that you to communicate with and influence others, whether they are your prospects, clients, or you employees.

In communicating is critical when: talking to prospects and customers and making sure they understand the benefits of doing business with you as well as just the features of your skills and talents; convincing your customers of why they should buy more from you; gaining support, and motivating your staff, engaging imaginations, creating partnerships. Being good at communicating and influencing others will make your job easier!

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Being aware of good communication means you learn…

How communication is crucial for influencing others
How communication is a critical part of interpersonal skills
How consultancy is 70% listening and 30 % asking questions
How communication powerful for developing partnerships
How confident communication benefits all
How to get the understanding you want
How communication skills that mark out an achiever
How to have impact and influence on other people
How to get noticed - positively rather than be instantly forgettable
How to build rapport quickly and easily
How to get a talker to tell you what you need to know
How to find out what other people really want
How listening techniques really work
How to get cooperation, rather than confrontation

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